Monday, November 10, 2014

10 Million UK Jobs at Risk From Computers and Robots, Study Says

The robots are coming for your job. New research suggests that 10 million British roles could be taken over by technology in the next 20 years, with one in three at risk. According to a joint report from Deloitte and the University of Oxford, low-paid, repetitive positions are most likely to disappear and people earning less than £30,000 per year are five times more likely to lose their job to a machine than those paid £100,000. The report's authors have flagged the sectors they see as most at risk. Those that work in administration, sales, transportation, construction, or mining have good reason to fear the automatons. If you spend your working day in computing, engineering, science, arts and media, law, education, healthcare or financial services, you probably don't need to worry for now.

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